Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sofia Vergara Cadillac Commercial

Click here to watch Sofia stumble through this shit like the oral section of the ESL Final Exam. Word, Sofi? Cupholders? That's maybe because they haven't yet polled a Latina whose boyfriend makes her help him in the garage/weed spot he works at. "Mariana... Traeme un.. un-- socket wrench!" Her cupholder would be her son, Chucho. I don't give a damn. I'd be on it like Tyrese in "Four Brothers." She can chase papi wherever she damn well pleases.


Anonymous said...


i'm on it!


Anonymous said... and that poll is fucked up...Who R U Mexxico the cot damn devil? I chose Sofia, but that's a close ass race, I'd feel privleged to bless anyone of em wit a drop of Lowedwn skeet.

Anonymous said...

"Spend some time with a different kind of woman?"

That's some research I'd get into!

Nerdlinger said...

"Mariana... Traeme un.. un-- socket wrench!"

Her cupholder would be her son, Chucho.

That's messed up, don't be talkin about my baby-momma