I think this and many articles like it are bullshit. They're usually based on bullshit studies by bullshit researchers. I found this one to be no different, and it made a world of sense when I discovered the name of the lead researcher. (Read the fourth paragraph, lazy negroes.)
Seriously. Who decided that homeboy should be regarded as a credible authority on relationships?
"Blah, blah, blah... Ugly niggas with chunky bankrolls... Blah, blah, blah..."
My opinion on the matter... Shit, don't women outnumber men like 1.5:1 or something?
There's just not enough quality pipe out there. Beyonces have to marry Jiggas.
It bees like that sometimes.
Is it me or do Bey's knees look like the holding tank for the excess Popeye's she's known to scarf down.
What I got out of that study is that white people have too much time on their hands. They could have given me half the money they spent on that mess and I would have told them men like beautiful women and women like providers regardless of what they look like. Not all grown women are like Halle Berry who is more concerned with what her mate looks like than what kind of man he is. Most of us grow out of that when we leave high school. Men seem to wait until their options are limited by age, weight and income issues before they stop seeking beauty over all else.
B and Jay both hit the jackpot. B got a gritty provider (square dudes are the worst, or so we think) and Jay got a gorgeous girl with the added bonus of her being filthy rich herself.
I thought most women who seriously want a good man grow out of the "provide-for-me-cuz-I'm-a-woman" phase after high school. I would be very surprised if this maybe marriage lasts more than a couple years. Us loyal Mexicans misss you Flav flavored Hate Ron, but ur still on point!
This broads knees are thick as fuck. Glad someone else picked up on that shit...
When she gets knocked up, them things will swell up and she will look like a white bitch with cellulite. Congrats Jay... Congrats.
Cafe said...
I thought most women who seriously want a good man grow out of the "provide-for-me-cuz-I'm-a-woman" phase after high school.
Who cares about providers in high school? In high school you want the cute popular guys even if they are clearly headed for prison. Grown women generally put more emphasis on the ability to provide even if she makes her own money. We like protectors too.
I was going for the providers in High school, LOL! Shit... Broke VS "Ballin". I wanted the guy who would take me to red lobster...Fuck cute. I went for the cat with the job and the car...
The question of why beautiful women marry less attractive men is about as "mysterious" as why men like women who fuck on the first date.
That being said, I don't care how much money the dude has -- I could never sign up for a lifetime supply of booty with a guy whose face looks like a loose vagina.
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